Sales Management & CRM

We’ve just introduced some great new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features that can help manage your customers and sales people.  Vinsight now has the ability to record and track interactions with your customers and quickly and easily review order histories.  This is great if you are a sales rep about to call or visit an existing customer and…


Sales and Inventory App

Responding to demand for an app that does simple inventory and sales management, we are proud to announce the release of our new Sales, Inventory and Logistics App. Historically you had to use our production app to get all the sales and inventory features, but now we have created an app the includes purchasing, sales,…


Telling the future

Sometimes regular themes pop up when you are answering support requests. One that has cropped up frequently since we introduced out “undo operation” feature has been needing to know the future. Let me explain, if you find a mistake with an operation done sometime in the past, you have to know all the operations done…


WET Tax with Xero and Vinsight

Vinsight’s cloud based inventory and sales app has just released a great new feature that helps you handle your Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) liability and avoid unnecessarily repeating your data entry along the way. It also helps you handle WET with Xero. Create one invoice and use the data many times Vinsight’s new WET Assessment…


Quality Wines to Fit Your Holiday Budget

With the holiday season approaching, bringing quality wine to dinner parties doesn’t need to break the bank. ‘Supermarket wine’ seems to have come a long way from low cost, low quality ‘goon’ brands, or in classier terms: cardboardeaux.  Low-cost, high-quality wines have been growing in popularity all across the world and lately, winning prestigious awards…
