With the world-wide uncertainty created by the current COVID-19 outbreak, we have been thinking about ways our customers may be able to manage this crisis, mitigate any losses and maybe even see it as an opportunity to put systems in place to ensure their businesses are stronger and more resilient going forward.
Online Sales
If you are not already selling online, now might be a good time to think about establishing an e-commerce presence. It is likely that more people will be looking to shop online and access home deliveries as restrictions on public life increase. Expanding your direct-to-consumer business may also help mitigate the financial impact of any decrease in sales to the hospitality industry. We partner with several e-commerce platforms including Shopify, WooCommerce, Vend and WineDirect, meaning sales through these websites will automatically generate Sales Orders and deplete inventory in Vinsight enabling you to track and analyse sales data and maintain current and accurate inventory tracking.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Outsourcing your warehousing and distribution with a company like BAM Wine Logistics may be an option for some of our Australian customers. Similarly we are close to completing our integration with Wineworks in New Zealand. Wineworks offers bottling, warehousing and distribution services to New Zealand wineries. Vinsight also integrates with CartonCloud software opening up further warehousing and distribution options to our customers worldwide.

A full list of Vinsight Addons can be found by going to Settings > Addons.
Further information about how the integrations work and the set-up process can be found at docs.vinsight.net/add-ons.
The Vinsight team are currently all working from home but staying in touch and keeping each other sane with regular online chats. We hope you are all keeping safe and staying strong. Kia Kaha.