Managing Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Do you regularly deal with overseas customers or suppliers?  Exchange rate fluctuations can cause issues and uncertainty for both parties.  As a  business that sells into many markets, we have to deal with these issues ourselves.  We also hear from our customers how difficult and annoying it can be not having certainty regarding expected revenue and expenses. We…

Windows 10 Released

Windows 10 was released last week which in itself is interesting as it has been offered as a free upgrade to anyone who has Windows 7 or greater. It appears that Microsoft may be understanding that the operating system (OS) will simply be a platform to monetize on top of rather than trying to charge…

Sales Person Reporting

Do your sales staff work on commission?  Do you simply want an easy way to review staff performance and sales?  We have introduced a new ‘Sales by Sales Person’ Quick Report on the Sales Workbench.   You can filter for a date range and which sales data shows, e.g.: a certain product type or customer category. Also you…

Stock Allocations

Do you have limited availability products that you want to ensure certain customers have access to?  You can do this by putting aside an allocation for them that they can draw down as they order.   A customer’s allocation will reduce automatically as the tracked product is ordered and despatched to it. If you create a sales…

VinWizard Integration

VinWizard is a great application for managing tank temperatures and alarms in your winery and now Vinsight integrates with VinWizard. View your Vinsight tank data (batch, volume and status) in VinWizard, so you are fully informed as you make those important temperature decisions. Send your tank information to VinWizard from the Vinsight vessels lists and…

Are You Mobile Friendly?

You may have seen recent media reports advising that Google is now using mobile-friendliness as a factor in ranking search results on mobile phones.  As you may be aware mobile phones and iPads are becoming more and more common as people’s primary device for using the internet and apps.  Therefore it’s important that your website…

Customising Invoices

When it comes to invoices, one size does not always fit all.  Sometimes you will want to customise the format to suit a particular use or customer.  For example you may wish to: Hide discounts; Re-order columns to reflect your style; Create Pro-Forma Invoices; Change remittance settings from your default (e.g. for payment into a…

Google Productivity Tools

Google Login You may have noticed that the Vinsight login page now offers an option to ‘Sign in with Google’. If your user name is a gmail address, you don’t need to enter your user name or password any more.  Simply click ‘Sign in with Google’, select the relevant Google Account from the list shown…

Dip Chart Management

The Dip Chart area has recently received some updates that make dip lookups lightning quick, and also accurate along the entire tank length. Previously there was no easy way to verify that your dip charts were working correctly, short of entering a lot of dips and checking that the volumes returned by Vinsight made sense.…