We’ve just introduced some great new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features that can help manage your customers and sales people. Vinsight now has the ability to record and track interactions with your customers and quickly and easily review order histories. This is great if you are a sales rep about to call or visit an existing customer and want to be up to speed with what they have been ordering from you or if you are a sales manager and want to make sure your reps are meeting their call KPI’s.
Contact Activity
Everytime you have contact with a customer, e.g. a phonecall, an email, visit, or conversation, simply select that customer from your Contacts list and log the event on their ‘Contact Activity’ page. This will create a detailed history of interactions with a particular customer.
Order History
Clicking on the ‘Order History’ tab will bring up a record of recent sales and purchase orders relating to that particular customer or indeed, supplier. Clicking on the ‘Show Orders or Products’ button to switch from sales orders to product information.
For more information visit our Sales Management page.